Sunday, March 25, 2012

New chapter of Wildflowers!

Long time, no see! I know. Again. Life is just crazy these days - actually for the last two years it's been nuts, and I've only found time to write once in a blue moon.

But I think I finally found a method to my madness, and a disciplined approach to keeping up with the chapters. I sat down and made myself write last night, pushing away all distractions. And it felt good.

So here's the latest installment of Wildflowers, with Jon and Anna. Enjoy. :)


  1. Real life sucks when it gets in the way of your fun lol. Glad to see you back tho, looking forward to seeing where you take Jon and Anna.

  2. Thanks hon! Appreciate the support. :) Glad you're enjoying the story!

  3. Hope all is well. Would love to see some more chapters it was just getting really good! Hope more are on the way hate to have it stop there. You're really good at this!
