Sunday, June 3, 2012

New chapter

As promised, the new chapter of Wildflowers is up!

Thanks for your patience, everyone. I had this chapter only half-finished when we lost my uncle, and I haven't had the headspace to continue it. But I'm back and running now, for the most part.


UPDATE #2: I ended up rewriting the second half, despite my best efforts to call up cursor history, web history, and copied data entries. I still have no idea what happened, and I am not happy. But the entire chapter should be there now, so enjoy!

UPDATE: I published the new chapter, only to find that the entire second half of it, that I just finished editing and proofreading, is gone. It isn't even showing up in the post editor, and I have NO IDEA why. So if you are trying to read the chapter and the link is broken, give me a little while so I can try to figure out what happened and get it back. (And scream at Blogger, in the process.)