Why they star in my stories...
Since all of the stories in my fan-fiction section star members of Bon Jovi, it seemed only appropriate that I give them their own little pedestals. You know, their glass cases from which they can proudly be displayed and serve as a visual reminder of why we write fan fiction about them in the first place. As if a site dedicated to them isn't shrine enough.
Of course, before you start in on the lecture, their looks and sex appeal are NOT the only reason I am a fan. Far from it, actually. To be perfectly honest, if I were to rate the importance of their looks on a scale of 1 to 10, relative to the importance of their music in my life, then Jon's megawatt smile and Richie's dark brown eyes, David's beautiful fingers and Tico's bulging muscles drop way down below the starting line.
Those things are simply not important.
No, this band has done much more for me than excite my hormones. The impact of their music and presence in my life cannot be described in words...it's a love seated deep within the heart, an inspiration embedded in the very soul, and a respect that winds down to the very core.
My fan fiction is merely an expressive outlet for the writer that has consumed all of me since I was little, and doubles as a "tribute" of sorts to the men who have quite literally changed my life. Some may say that erotic romance and sex scenes are anything but a way to pay homage to those men, and even that it is disrespectful.
But see, I mean no disrespect.
Obviously, the stories I write are not true, and if I wanted to publish them, all I'd have to do (aside from probably massive amounts of editing and revamping) is switch out the names, since those do fall under copyright issues in public commercial use. Because publishing companies live in the real world, just like John Francis Bongiovi and Richard Stephen Sambora.
But the characters in my stories are not THEM. Case in point, "Jon Bon Jovi" in Lie To Me is not literally the man himself, in real life - it is a manifestation of my borrowed version of his character. "Richie Sambora" in Save A Prayer isn't the real man walking Earth...it is a representation, a symbol of the idea of him. No harm, no foul, I say.
It's fiction, remember?