Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Hello all!

I am so sorry for the hiatus between Wildflowers chapters...I keep getting comments/emails from people asking when the next chapter will be up, and I smack myself on the head each time for making you all wait. I TRULY appreciate that people are still reading and still care even though this story has progressed ridiculously slowly. :/

For those who don't know, I've been traveling a lot since August, AND setting up a new house since I just moved -- so there is always something to buy, something to clean, something to build, something to cook, and never time for something to write.

But. Things have slowed down a bit and I have several hours of free time during the day, so I WILL be getting back to this story. And I am going to try my best to keep it coming more regularly now, so you don't have to wait annoyingly long weeks in between chapters.

The next chapter SHOULD be up within the next day or so - so check the Wildflowers page in a few days!

Again, thank you all for your patience and continued support!



Monday, September 5, 2011

Wildflowers update + vacation

Hey all! I have posted a new chapter of Where the Wildflowers Grow, which brings it up to Chapter Six. Enjoy!

Also, just wanted to let you all know that I will be on vacation until September 15th, which means Chapter Seven will come shortly after that. So check back in a few weeks!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Broken links

Hey all - been getting a lot of messages about broken links. Big apologies for that!

I had to change the blog URLs and I thought I got all the hyperlinks updates as well, but I missed some.

And I think some of you tried clicking while I was still changing them. LOL.

Anyway, thank you all for letting me know. I will go around a second time to make sure everything is up to date, but if anyone notices another broken link, kindly remind me.

Thanks so much for the warm welcome back!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chapter Four of Wildflowers is up!

Finally. It took a bit of fighting to get my brain back into Wildflowers mode.


But I have posted Chapter Four as of last night. Jon's misery is both relieved and intensified by a phone call from his kids, while Annabelle dreams on in stormy Tennessee.

The cogs are turning again, so stay tuned for the next chapter soon!


Monday, August 1, 2011


This is my new fan fiction home! Many of you know me by my real persona - but now that I've graduated college and am actually putting myself on the job market IN journalism, I chose to keep my "adult content" stories separate from my real life. ;) This is something I like to do in my own personal spare time, and my professional career should stay separate.

With that said, I am "Bee" from here on out - when it comes to fan fiction, of course. You may certainly call me by my real name in real life. LOL.

Anyway, I was missing for a long time there -- I know both of my IP stories are still sitting on hiatus, but I promised you all (and myself) that I would finish them once I had the time. Well, now that the black hole of energy called SCHOOL is over, I can re-focus my energy on my stories!

I'm re-familiarizing myself with the characters so I can pick them back up as seamlessly as possible, so bear with me for a little bit if it's rocky. But please do check back for updates and follow this blog so that you can get instant notifications whenever I do update the stories.

A new chapter of Where the Wildflowers Grow is coming SOON (within a day or so) - so stay tuned!! :)
